Music is a fantastic subject to take in Secondary school as part of the school curriculum. Particularly for students who have been learning an instrument prior to starting secondary school it is an easy and natural subject choice to take. A H1 in music in the leaving certificate is worth the same points as a H1 in Chemistry!
At Youngstars we offer individual or group junior and leaving cert classes and courses. We cater for the written element of the exam as well as the practical element. These classes are to coincide with the student taking music as a subject in school in a sort of grinds style lesson. We find that students may come to us with specific needs regarding their school music class course, whether it is help with dictation, melody writing, set works or practical exam prep we can cater to you.

We also run crash courses in the Spring on particular elements of the written exams that all students seem to find difficult.
For music practical (performance element of the junior cert or leaving cert) our teachers will work closely with you or your group to plan the best programme of music that suits you and can get you the best results in your exam. We also provide accompaniment services for exams for those that may need it.

It is advised to book in for your practical exam preparation lessons in September of the year you are entering your exam year, as the practicals are examined in the spring it would give us ample time to have you fully prepared. Alternatively, if you feel as though you have a strong programme already and just want some last minute reassurance or an outside opinion on how to better your performance then we are happy to take you for a few lessons leading up to your practical exam also.